8.2 C
Book 51 Eng 無上密與大手印
Guru’s Talks 焦點

Psychic Heat, Drops and Inner Fire

Book 51 Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra《無上密與大手印》「靈熱與明點內火」
‧Written by Sheng-yen Lu‧

(continued from pg A7 , TBN issue # 1202)

7. There is a sensation associated with the cultivation of psychic heat. The coldness of the limbs is removed, and those with health problems find relief when the fire of the psychic heat burns inwardly. The circulation of the inner fire of psychic heat clears the meridians of blockages, and those who gain mastery over its application may find themselves immune to illnesses. This is certainly a vital method for balancing the spiritual energies of body and mind.

8. Due to the arousal of psychic heat, the body feels warm all over and the individual finds himself bathed in the feeling of lightness. The body feels very light where the mind enjoys a state of freedom. Discursive thoughts cease, leaving the person in a condition of extreme tranquility and joy. Generally speaking, as one moves further into the prac- tice, many stages of phenomena may be experienced, such as visions of past lives, and images of beautiful women and dream-like illusory imageries. Irrespective of the nature of these illusory visions, whether they are good or bad, we should not attach to them. Instead, we should aim for active and diligent cultivation that will naturally lead us to achieve samadhi.

Someone once asked me what psychic heat and inner fire were. The true meaning of psychic heat is the breath of life [prana]. The true meaning of inner fire is the fire of life. The survival of man hinges on psychic heat and inner fire.

What exactly is the central channel? The central channel is an invisible channel, a pathway that facilitates the travel of psychic heat through the body. In principle, it exists and moves through the center of the spine, and some of its secondary veins fan out from the spine. Some have said that the central channel is the governing center of all spiritual veins. It is close to the mingmen meridian, the gate of life, which is the source of life itself. The Indians called it the muladhara, the seat of all drops of psychic heat. These drops are the very life drops of humans, and the body is born from these drops.

Today, the teachings of Mahamudra have clearly elucidated the basic source of life for humankind, and it explains in detail the way to produce psychic heat and inner fire. My exposition on all these teachings is geared towards delivering all sentient beings. Through fearless expedient means, I lead individuals through my teachings so that they may be liberated from the suffering of this world, and generate the causes and conditions of buddhahood to attain the path of liberation. What a great dharma affinity and secret this is! The practice of psychic heat requires perseverance, moving from the simple to deep levels, and from the deep levels one enters into the wonderful realms. From the wonderful realms one enters into the mystical realm, through which realization can be attained.

Many are aware that I am afraid of hot weather but not cold weather. This is due to the fact that I have long achieved the cultivation of psychic heat and the cultivation of drops and inner fire.

Many are also aware that Sheng-yen Lu has great supernatural power, while others have called me a con man with no ability of any sort! Yet the fact that I can write about the practice of Mahamudra is an evidence of a true and thorough understanding. There is noth- ing mystical about this, for it is the fruit of my actual practice. I have walked past this secret gate and have truly mastered its secrets.
(The End)





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