Category : 蓮生法王
清明自生 無垢自生 最高禪定境界
<法王蓮生活佛盧勝彥2013年5月4日台灣雷藏寺大日如來護摩大法會法語開示精要> 《大樂中的空性──喜金剛講義》,第四十一章:「喜金剛十大講授」。 敬禮了鳴和尚、敬禮薩迦證空上師、敬禮十六世大寶法王噶瑪巴、[……] 繼續閱讀...
Homage to the Lineage Holders of Mahamudra(下) 頂禮禪定大手印歷代祖師
(Grand Master Lu’s Book 51 -“Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra”) True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs) (continued from p11, issue 950) I shall herein disclose everything...
Homage to the Lineage Holders of Mahamudra(中) 頂禮禪定大手印歷代祖師
(Grand Master Lu’s Book 51 -“Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra”) True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs) (continued from p11, issue 947)[……] 繼續閱讀...
Homage to the Lineage Holders of Mahamudra(上) 頂禮禪定大手印歷代祖師
(Grand Master Lu’s Book 51 -“Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra”) True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs) Can you guess how long I have been practicing the...
The Evil of Sexual Misconduct 邪淫的惡
(Grand Master Lu’s Book 200 -“Pages of Enlightenment”) True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs) In the chapter “Direct Revelation,” [……] 繼續閱讀...
‧蓮生活佛盧勝彥‧ 這一陣子,我要寫「蓮生活佛盧勝彥的密密密」,思考了半天,要寫什麼好呢? 我為此書,白天想,晚上也想,在修法中也想,在壇城也想。 要寫什麼?[……] 繼續閱讀...