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Guru’s Talks 焦點

The Dragon Palace Legend


(Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin- Yang Realm《走入最隱秘的陰陽界》)
‧Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu
(contiuned from pg11 , TBN issue # 1041)
  Furthermore, it is as the Dragon King had said. Had we known that this future would unfold, there would have been no proof or evidence at that time, and we could not have spoken without justification!”
  So even if we had known earlier, would it have helped?
  I made two decisions.
  I invited the ordained monk Reverend Lianzeng who had a flair for drawing to repaint the dragon a fourth time. As for the dragon pavilion, Ling Shen Ching Tze in Redmond apportioned an amount of money, equal to the sum used for the building of the dragon pavilion, and donated it for philanthropic purposes. This indirectly symbolized purification of the money used to build the dragon pavilion.
  I inscribed verses on the pillars of the dragon pavilion.
  Over these matters, I sighed again and again. Spiritual nature is inherently contained within heaven and earth. The Dragon King’s divine capabilities are derived from this nature. Why do humans act against their conscience? Even if one gets away with deceit tempo- rarily, one will not be able to continue deception forever! A fleeting moment of joy is often cause for lasting grief ! Awaken quickly! Awaken quickly!
  After this matter was resolved, I received an invitation to attend a feast at the Crystal Palace.
  Palaces of the human world paled in comparison. The palace architecture was  magnificent and sublime, consisting of lofty storied buildings and a spectacular display of splendor. The height of the palace reached to mountain peaks above the cloud canopies, rosy red mist wafted subtly from holy incense censers, and the exquisite coral trees in the water were resplendent in their myriad array of colors. This was the pure land of the dragon’s realm.
  City of agate flowers,
  Immortal cave of lapis lazuli,
  The great divine palace of crystal and mica,
  Where heaven and earth move,
  With each shifting shadow in the ocean deep.
  “Where heaven and earth move” was certainly an apt expression. It perfectly captured the glorious majesty of the Crystal Palace.
  This was an exceptional feast, rare in the human world.
  The visual splendor of dishes dazzled the eye, each dish a vivid array of colors.
  Fragrant aromas permeated the air, a gathering of heady smells and novel scents, redolent of musk and orchids.
  Celestial music added to the festive revelry, a sonorous symphony playing with resounding clarity.
  Imperial concubines entertained with song and dance.
  A charming myriad of delicate and exquisite movements,
  Music and melodies entwined with talk and laughter;
  Dancers abloom like beautiful flowers on silk brocade,
  Nothing in the human world was comparable.
  The one who had invited me for the feast was Mo Dan, the second crown prince of the Elder Dragon King of the Western Ocean. This second crown prince told me that he would soon take up office in Ling Shen Ching Tze, Redmond.
  Doubtfully, I said, “This great divine crystal and mica palace temple of yours is of such resplendent magnificence. Why would you leave this to reside at the dragon rock pavilion in Ling Shen Ching Tze, Redmond?”
  The second crown prince replied, “Your Holiness Lian-sheng, you may not know this, but the pure land actually resides in one’s heart. Its appearance can be big or small. The dragon rock at Ling Shen Ching Tze, Redmond, reaches up to the thirty-three heavens, and extends downwards to the eighteen levels of hell. This great divine crystal and mica palace of mine is but a mere grain of sand in com- parison.”
  “Wow!” I was astonished.
  I asked again, “The dragon rock is a boulder of the earth. How could it possibly contain the Crystal Palace?”
  The second crown prince replied, “Your Holiness Lian-sheng, the other thing you may not know is that the five elements are inherently inter-related. Take a look and you will notice that metal is found in the earth, water exists within metal, wood grows from water, and fire springs forth from wood. Beneath the earth’s crust lies water, and beneath this water lies fire – do they not all arise from the same source?”
  “You are going to move your Crystal Palace to the dragon rock?”
  “That’s right.”
  “Truly profound and mystical!”
  “Only because human beings are unaware of this interrelationship!”
  I often recite the Buddha’s epithet while circumambulating the dragon pavilion and dragon rock. During these times, my heart is es- pecially tranquil. The great dragon rock is surrounded by pavement, and the dragon pavilion is enclosed by carved columns and balus- trades. Beyond the pavilion amidst rocks and pebbles, tiny flowers flourish with names unknown. A brook gurgles in the distance, where a variety of rare grasses and curious pines grow. When I walk, my sleeves overflow with subtle fragrances and my clothes are tinged with a taste of dharma. This dragon rock is no longer a dragon rock, but the Crystal Palace, the lofty perch of the phoenix, the lake and lair of the dragon.
  I wrote a poem:
  Glorious crystal grow within the dragon rock,
  Auspicious clouds traverse phoenix pavilions and dragon lofts;
  Finely paved with exquisite flora throughout the seasons,
  Divine light from the distant horizon illuminate this cassock.
  I enjoy circumambulating the dragon rock while reciting Buddhas’ names, for concealed within is the dragon palace and pure land. With each round, I circle a divine palace of crystal and mica. How extraordinary! Truly phenomenal!
  Golden light shining from this dragon rock,
  It guards the hometown of True Buddhas,
  The Dragon King moved his Crystal Palace,
  Transforming it into a pure land,
  For the benefit and delight of sentient beings.
  Observing time and again the second crown prince,
  Who develops kind affinities with sentient beings,
  Giving away nectar and calling forth dharma rain,
  Which never ceases entering the hearts of men.
  The Dragon King’s support of Buddhadharma, as well as the sup- port and aid of the eight classes of devas, nagas, and the four cat- egories of devas all enable the True Buddha School to emanate great auspicious light.
(The End)

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「台馬印巡禮紀實」系列六 慈園堂金剛薩埵法會電閃雷鳴迎新年






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