12.7 C
宗委會 真佛宗



蓮慈上師、各位上師,弘法人員,師兄師姐們以及諸位貴賓,大家好! 今天非常榮幸能夠在這裡代表「盧勝彥佈施基金會」接受「華光功德會」和「菩提雷藏寺」的發心貢獻。

「盧勝彥佈施基金會」非常感激有「華光功德會」和大家的大力支持,幫助基金會發揮它的主旨: 為人們爭取高品質的健康和教育。

「盧勝彥佈施基金會」至今成立三年多。這段時間,基金會已捐出超過六十萬美元的善款,贊助創新的健康照顧和教育方案、佛學獎學金以及世界各地的救災援助。這些善款已經幫助了數以千計的人,在他們最需要的時候,給予他們得以生存的幫助。 所有基金會的成果都是志願的義工們努力完成的。而最重要的是,所有基金會捐助者的愛心,真的讓我非常感動。沒有您們的支持,我們無法幫助到那麼多需要幫助的人。

去年,當海地受到地震的襲擊時,真佛宗全體上下共籌得超過十一萬六千美元的善款,協助災後救援。聯合「華光功德會」、「盧勝彥佈施基金會」發送緊急救災物資和兩萬磅的白米,直接援助超過三百名受災戶。所有的救災資金,現在百分之百全數使用在米勒巴萊,海地(Mirebalais,Haiti) 幫助建立一座國家最先進的教學醫院。這不僅是解決當地居民即時的醫療需求,也提高整個國家的健康醫療系統。明年我會親自到海地探訪醫院建設的進展。


我祝福你們大家身體健康,有一個快樂的聖誕假期 ! 謝謝。嗡嘛呢叭咪吽。

Greetings to Master Lian Tzi, True Buddha School (TBS) dharma brothers and sisters and special guests.   I am honored to be here today to accept Lotus Light Charity Society (LLCS) and PTT Buddhist Society’s contribution to Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation.  The Foundation is truly grateful to be able to rely on the support of LLCS and the True Buddha School community in advancing its mission of promoting quality health care and education for all.
SYL Foundation has been in existence for three years.  In that time, we have distributed well over $600,000 dollars in grants to fund innovative health and education programs, scholarships and disaster relief aid.  These funds have helped thousands of people, often in a time of great need, receive lifesaving help and tools to live a better life.  I am proud to say the work we do is all through volunteers, and most of all, I am touched by the giving hearts of all you Foundation donors.  Without your support, we would not be able to reach so many people in need.
When the earthquake struck Haiti last year, the True Buddha School community raised over $116,000 dollars to help with the recovery. Together with LLCS, SYL Foundation shipped emergency relief supplies and 20,000 pounds of rice directly over to more than 300 earthquake victims.  100% of the disaster relief funds are now being used to help build a state-of-the-art teaching hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, which will not only address immediate healthcare needs of the local population, but improve the healthcare system of the entire country.  I will be personally visiting the hospital next year to oversee the progress.
As SYL Foundation continues to grow, I look forward to a long and sustaining partnership with LLCS and the global TBS community.  Together, we can channel our combined power and resources to improve countless lives all over the world.
I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season!  Thank you.  Om ma ni ba me hom.
Lotus Light Charity Society’s Christmas Winter Charity Gala – Vancouver, BC
December 11, 2011




共同發心持誦「救瘟疫度母心咒」 迴向「中國武漢肺炎疫情速速止息」


世界真佛宗宗務委員會教育處 隆重首推《真佛宗在線學佛》


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