Guru’s Talks 蓮生法王

The Immortal Vajra 不死金剛

(Grand Master Lu’s Book 200 -“Pages of Enlightenment”)
True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs)
  The term “vajra” applies to Vajrayana dharma implements, which are the vajra and the vajra bell. Those are two of the most important dharma implements used in Vajrayana Buddhism.  Vajras are made in several varieties including single-pronged, three-pronged, and five-pronged vajras. The Shingon School (Japanese Vajrayana) fashions the vajra with open prongs while Tibetan Schools prefer the vajra prongs to be closed.
  The term vajra comprises of many different meanings and usages.  We will not discuss all of them here. I personally feel that the vajra has three meanings:  immutable, immortal, and bodhicitta. The term immutable refers to its strength, unchanging in shape, unfading in color, and eternally indestructible. The term immortal means that there is no death, not coming or going; it is everlasting. The term bodhicitta is an analogy, symbolizing the heart of a buddha, eradicating all obstacles of dissonant emotions, possessing perfect wisdom and compassion, and everything is completely perfect.
  My realization is:
  My life is everlasting and immortal. Your life is everlasting and immortal.  Other people’s lives are also everlasting and immortal.
  Where was I before my birth?
  My answer: “I was in deep sleep, in meditation.”
  Where was I after my birth?
  My answer: “I awoke, emerged from meditation, and I manifested.”
  Where will I be after my death?
  My answer: “There is no death; it is just the scenery of the original ground.  There is no coming or going, no such thing as birth, no such thing as death. There isn’t anything at all.”
  There is no sleep; there is no awaking; there is no meditation; there is no exiting meditation; there is no manifestation; and there is no non-manifestation.  
  There is neither birth nor death. That’s the way it intrinsically is.  
  My first two answers are phenomena-based. The third answer is formless.  My enlightenment is that of third answer.  
  My noble students, do you all understand?
  I hear my students calling out to me:
  ”Grand Master Lu, you have such great compassion, please rescue us!”
  ”Grand Master Lu, please protect us, bestow us with good fortune, and fulfill our wishes!”
  ”Grand Master Lu, for the sake of sentient beings, please teach us Buddhadharma so that we can leave suffering and gain happiness. Please don’t forsake anyone.”
  ”Grand Master Lu, please demonstrate your great miraculous power to prevent disasters from happening, increase our fortune and wisdom, bless our families to stay together, and make all of our enemies retreat.”
  ”Grand Master Lu, please take us to the Pure Land so we are free from transmigrating in the six realms of cyclic existence.”
  ”Grand Master Lu, I vow to attain enlightenment instantly, and to attain buddhahood in this very body.”
  I did not do anything, I also did not not-do anything; everything is already completed.
  Can everyone understand my enlightenment, the enlightenment of this immortal vajra?  Can you do it?
  Sever the absolute authority,
  Then you can find the original appearance.
  You only need to clearly recognize the meaning of the word, buddha,
  Then you will not have attachment towards, nor obscurations of, buddha.
  You can experience and realize the supreme truth without any limits.
  Yet, the “self” is the supreme truth,
  Which is reaching absolute liberation.








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