8.6 C
焦點 盧勝彥佈施基金會






  I am so inspired by Asha and all of the Lotus Scholarship students. Although each student has his or her own story, one common thread is the ability to triumph over adversity and the strong belief that education is the key to a better life. For these students, graduating high school and going to college fulfills not only their own dreams, but also the dreams of their entire family. Thank you, to SYL Foundation donors for supporting the education goals of these very deserving students. Regrettably, I am unable to tell you about every student and talk about every health and education program funded by SYL Foundation, but I invite you to visit our table in the back of the event hall to learn more.
  This year, SYL Foundation has provided grants to 23 health and education organizations and 38 Lotus Scholarship students while continuing to work on ways to support immigrants and refugees as they face growing challenges. From the information we shared and the organizations you heard from today, it is evident how the Foundation’s work is impacting people’s lives and you, our donors, are what make it all possible.

Part II: Looking Forward

  Education and Healthcare are the essential rungs in the ladder that lift people from poverty. SYL Foundation provides grants to organizations, which in turn serve thousands of men, women, and children here in our community and around the world. These people are closer today to living their dreams than they could ever be without your generous support. Every dollar given to an SYL Foundation grant recipient is transformed into an investment that yields a return for generations.
  教育和醫療照顧是幫助人們脫離貧困的重要階梯;盧勝彥佈施基金會提供補助金給各個機構,而這些機構則依序地提供服務給社區和世界各地數以千計的男女老少。如果沒有您們的慷慨解囊與支持,這些人今天將難以實現他們的夢想。 我們承諾大家,捐助給盧勝彥佈施基金會的每一塊錢,在受益者身上,轉變成為影響他們好幾世代的絕佳回報。
  After learning more about the Foundation’s work and seeing the people you helped, I hope you are proud of the good work that you, Foundation supporters, help us accomplish. Please continue to donate to SYL Foundation so that we can continue to invest in the health and education of those who need it most.
  We now conclude the video with these words from our founder:
  Buddha’s teaching can be summed up in a maxim: Do no evil, cultivate all that is good, and purify the mind. By fully involving ourselves in performing good deeds, distracting thoughts are swept away as a result. SYL Foundation is precisely doing the work of cultivating good deeds and is doing a good job. Please continue to support SYL Foundation.
  Now the leaders from each of the 23 grantee organizations as well as the Lotus Scholarship students are standing here with me. Thank you, grant recipients, for all the inspiring work that you do. We look forward to learning from you through this partnership, and together, we can ensure that quality health and education is within reach for all. Congratulations, Lotus Scholarship Students, we are proud to support your pursuit of a college education and have high hopes that upon graduation you, in turn, will help others in need.
  As we celebrate the Foundation’s 10-year anniversary, we must express our deepest gratitude to our Founder, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, without whom none of us would be gathered here today. 51 years ago (since 1967), he began wielding the power of a pen and now 267 published books later, he continues to write an essay a day. He is truly extraordinary and his writing is what inspired our commemorative gift: a symbolic pen. Do come visit our table if you haven’t received one.
  最後,我要感謝大家陪伴著基金會,走過10年行善佈施的歲月。接下來的十年,期待大家以愛心繼續支持,讓「盧勝彥佈施基金會」能永不停歇的去利益更多眾生。 感謝大家,有您們真好!嗡嘛呢唄咪吽!





「台馬印巡禮紀實」花絮一 金母賜獎號 行者守初心


「台馬印巡禮紀實」系列五 天馬送財 馬上有錢


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