9.5 C
宗委會 焦點

宗委會通告 True Buddha Foundation – Announcement


  經查釋蓮洪(Marlon Bain)「男性」,因屢犯淫戒、嚴重違反真佛宗出家戒律及上師守則、影響宗派公眾形象等過失確鑿,由宗委會依職權確立人事懲處裁示,並經由本宗監察會作最後的確認後執行之。今特頒布以下人事通告,以昭公聽:
  1.Marlon Bain(蓮洪)自即日起,從本宗僧團除名,已非本宗出家眾身分。
  2.Marlon Bain(蓮洪)自即日起,從本宗上師團除名,已非本宗上師身分。
  3.Marlon Bain(蓮洪)如因違犯其弘法當地國家法律而造成任何問題,此屬其個人行為,概與本宗派無關,其亦當自行承擔一切後果及當地法律刑責。
世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟


True Buddha Foundation - Announcement

True Buddha Foundation – Announcement

Upon Investigation and with solid evidence, Lianhong (Marlon Bain) has repeatedly committed sexual misconduct, seriously violated reverend precepts and the rules for vajra master, negatively affected the public image of True Buddha School, and committed other faults.

Therefore, Trud Buddha Foundation implements personnel punishment in accordance with its authority, and the punishment is executed and in effect based on the final confirmation by the Supervisory Committee.

Here are the public announcements regarding the personnel affair:

1. Effective immediately, Marlon Bain (Lianhong) is removed from the True Buddha School sangha group and is no longer a True Buddha School reverent.

2. Effective immediately, Marlon Bain (Lianhong) is removed from the True Buddha School vajra master group and is no longer a True Buddha School vajra master.

3. If Marlon Bain (Lianhong) has caused any problems by violating the local laws of the country, these are his own personal acts and have nothing to do with the True Buddha School. He must also personally bear the responsibility and all consequences of breaking the local criminal laws.

The World wide True Buddha Foundation
March 20, 2018




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