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Guru’s Talks

Preface of The Magical Hands of Sheng-yen Lu


(continued from pg A7 , TBN issue # 1155)
    The picture only showed your body; both hands had disappeared.  Grand Master Lu, don’t you know? Your invisible hands transformed into a dharma vessel to guide and carry the spirits to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.”
    Vajrapani Bodhisattva analyzed my hands for me:
    “Hands are made up of skin, nails, handprints, bones, flesh, blood vessels, and blood. They do not exist as separate entities from the rest of the body and are always undergoing subtle transformation. Their colors, textures, age, lines, and shapes change day to day. They do not remain the same and are also impermanent.”
    Vajrapani Bodhisattva added,
    “Hands are an extension of the body and just like the rest of the body, are made up of the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind.  Hands are therefore also empty. One day, the hands will also die. At the time of dispersal of the four great elements, only space remains.  We practitioners have to recognize the true reality of the emptiness of the self.”
    Vajrapani Bodhisattva said finally,
    “Due to the dharma power of cultivation, Grand Master Lu is able to emit infinite light from his hands. When this light is instilled into the body-mind of students, it will result in many inconceivable events.  The recording of these occurrences into a book will benefit sentient beings living in the world.”
    I said, “Very well! Very well! Everything is understood!”
    This book has been written upon the entreaty of Vajrapani Bodhisattva. Vajrapani literally means “one with lightning in his hands.”
    May this book bring benefit to everyone who reads it.(The End)
    Living Buddha Lian-sheng
    Sheng-yen Lu
    17102 NE 40th Ct.
    Redmond, WA 98052


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara (Pt3)


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara (Pt2)


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara


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