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Guru’s Talks

The Lotus in the Sea of Fire


p1032-12-01(Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin- Yang Realm《走入最隱秘的陰陽界》)
‧Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu

(contiuned from TBN pg12 , issue # 1031)
 “I have heard of Sheng-yen Lu and read his books, but there are many rumors that he has received much criticism from many people in the Buddhist world.”
 Zhang Xiaohui said, “I may be a ghost, but the eyes of a ghost are more perceptive. Those who proclaim themselves to be great masters and dharma teachers-most of them base their teachings on the eight conventional dharmas of the human world. Humanistic Buddhism is in fact a euphemism for and no different from worldly business. Actually, they are still after power and prestige. When it comes to cultivation they create a great spectacle, but all of it is mere pretense.”
 Zhang Xiaohui continued, “However, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu is singularly unlike the others. He never pursues the world of politics or money; he is absolutely a genuine cultivator. He has profound meditation stability, and is a holy being whose sacred achievements are the most concealed. From understanding inherent nature and seeing emptiness, he obtained liberation. Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu’s life consists primarily of writing and teaching dharma; he never blows his own horn or makes false proclamations and is neither boastful nor arrogant. He guides all sentient beings with affinity in the direction of the bright path of liberation.”
 Zhao Guangping said, “What you say is the opposite of what I imagined. I previously thought that Sheng-yen Lu is a liar, a demon, a heretic, a…”
 “Please don’t say that-Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu is the only sage at this time in this world who can preach the great dharma in all of the heavenly realms, as well as descend to the underworld to give teachings and guidance to ghosts. I listened to his preaching and sermons in the underworld.”
 “Can there really be such a thing?” Zhao Guangping shook his head.
 “I personally experienced these teachings of Buddhadharma, how can it be false!” Zhang Xiaohui said, “We have a Buddhist hymn in the underworld to praise Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu; do you want to hear it?”
 Thus, Zhang Xiaohui began to sing:
 Words of dharma that guide one to the treasury of joy and blessings,
 Gush forth like a hundred thousand great rivers,
 Completely filling the underworld,
 This is the illuminating all-knowing wisdom of Lian-sheng,
 Like the infinite stars in Empty Space,
 Lighting the previously dark altar of the soul.
 Zhang Xiaohui’s singing was not only a pleasure to the ears and wonderful, her voice and praise were extraordinary and indeed, seldom heard in the world. The melody seemed to resonate throughout the vast emptiness, containing eighty-four thousand dharma doors that caused the people who were listening to become dumbfounded. It was as though invisible nectar was falling from the heavens, causing people to have marvelous righteous thoughts.
 “I believe it now,” Zhao Guangping said.
 “If you believe, then you have to take refuge.”
 “Okay, I will take refuge.”
 This was the cause and condition for Zhao Guangping’s transformation to Lianhua Guangping!
 Half a year passed in this manner. They kept their secret well, and surprisingly nobody knew anything about it.
 Zhao Guangping respected and honored Zhang Xiaohui’s request; every morning and evening he would recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra and dedicate its merits to her, while keeping count using a Buddhist rosary.
 One sudden day, Zhang Xiaohui wept while lying in Zhao Guang-ping’s arms. Her tears poured down her cheeks as she told him, “We have been as intimate as though we were one person, but the time has now come when we must part! How can I repay the kindness I have received from you!”
 “Why do you say this?” he asked, alarmed.
 “You recited the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra ten thousand times for me; now that the number of recitations is complete, I have been destined to be reborn in the household of a kind and wealthy family.”
 “Oh!” his mouth grew wide, “How can I keep you, so that we can stay together as before?”
 “There is one way!”
 “What way? Say it quickly.”
 Zhang Xiaohui replied faintly, “On the tier where I resided at the columbarium of Songshan Temple, all the spirits know that you recited the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra for me, and are full of admiration.
(to be continued)

(For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or Fax +1(510)437-1987)
(Contact Address:3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.)


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara (Pt3)


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara (Pt2)


Book 129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm: Accounts of Spiritual Response from Padmakumara


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