1.4 C
焦點 盧勝彥佈施基金會





Here’s a brief message from one of our early education partners, Denise Louie Education Center.
以下的簡短訊息,來自我們早期的教育夥伴Denise Louie教育中心:

We are grateful for the support the Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation has provided Denise Louie Education for the last few years. We serve over 600 children and families in the community. Over 80% of the children are from immigrant and refugee families. With the support of Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation, we have been able to provide additional preschool support for our English Language Learners and our children with special needs. In addition, the capital support from Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation has really helped to support and expand our program, which will allow our children and families to have access to healthcare, early learning services, transportation, affordable housing, and allow them to thrive in the community.
我們非常感激盧勝彥佈施基金會過去這幾年來提供給Denise Louie教育機構的幫助,我們服務了超過600名孩童與家庭,其中有超過八成的孩童來自於移民和難民家庭;在盧勝彥佈施基金會的幫助下,我們足以提供給英語學習者以及智能孩童們,額外的學前教育幫助。此外,盧勝彥佈施基金會的贊助,大大的幫助擴展我們的計畫,使得我們的孩童和家庭有機會得到醫療照顧、早期就學幫助、交通工具,以及負擔得起的住家,令他們在社會上得以生存。

SYL Foundation funds programs that remove barriers and promote access to educational opportunities. For instance, we support Y-We’s Academic and Career Explorations program as well as early learning programs at CISC and Hoa Mai Vietnamese bilingual preschool. These programs are culturally mindful and accessible to newly arrived immigrants and refugees.
Here’s a message from one of our longtime partners, Bureau of Fearless Ideas, an outstanding organization that offers free after-school tutoring and writing workshops:
盧勝彥佈施基金會選擇贊助的計畫案,要能去除各種障礙,並且促進教育機會。例如,我們支持Y-We的學術和職業探索計畫案以及CISC和Hoa Mai越南雙語幼兒園的早期學習計畫。這些方案具有文化意識,可供新移民和難民使用。以下是我們長期合作夥伴之一BFI機構的消息,這是一個出色的機構,它提供免費的課後輔導和寫作補習教學:

Hi, my name is Andy Herbst and I’m the Executive Director of the Greater Seattle Bureau of Fearless Ideas. This year was the first year with a second location that we opened at the Yesler Terrace mixed income housing development. This second location would not have been possible without the help of Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation. So, thank you so much for making this possible.
您好,我的名字是Andy Herbst,我是西雅圖BFI教育機構的執行董事。今年是我們第一年在Yesler Terrace的低收入戶開發地區,開設兩間分校;如果沒有盧勝彥佈施基金會的幫助,第二間分校是不可能實現的。所以,非常感謝您們成就了這樁美事!

Additionally, SYL Foundation supports youth job training programs targeting ELL (English Language Learner) students at ACRS and REWA. These programs provide critical services for low-income youth to overcome the cultural and educational barriers to high school completion and post-secondary education. College Access Now(CAN)is another key partner in the Foundation’s goal to improve access to post-secondary education opportunities. Here’s Monique, one of the students who you’ve helped by supporting SYL Foundation.
此外,盧勝彥佈施基金會還支持針對ACRS和REWA的英語學習者就業培訓計畫。這些方案為低收入青年提供關鍵服務,以克服高中畢業和高等教育的文化和教育障礙。College Access Now是基金會欲改善獲得高等教育機會之目標的另一個重要合作夥伴。介紹Monique給大家認識,她是一位您們所幫助的學生之一。

Hi, my name is Monique and I’m a CAN alum. I want to say thank you so much for your support. Thanks to you all, I was able to receive the support and guidance to not only enroll in college, but graduate with a B.A. (Bachelor in Arts degree) in advertising. Not only that, but I’m now going to team my education with graduate school at Seattle University. I am only one of hundreds of students that you’ve helped support with your generosity and your partnership with CAN. So, thank you all so much.
您好,我是Monique,College Access Now機構的校友,請讓我誠摯地感謝您們的支持。多虧大家的幫助和引導,讓我不但進了大學,還順利畢業,得到了廣告學士學位。不僅如此,現在我要發揮所學,與西雅圖大學的研究所一起合作。你們慷慨捐助以及和College Access Now機構的合作,幫助了我們,而我只是數百名您們曾幫過的學生之一,所以,非常感謝您們!

「盧勝彥佈施基金會」善款贊助(Rainier Scholars)單位「盧勝彥佈施基金會」善款贊助單位BFI教育機構,董事Andy Berbst。「盧勝彥佈施基金會」善款贊助ACRS(Asian Counseling & Referral Services)單位。「盧勝彥佈施基金會」善款贊助REWA(Rafugee Women's Alliance)單位。「盧勝彥佈施基金會」善款贊助(Kin On Health Center)單位




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